As part of the
“ Who Fishes Matters Tour”
sponsored by the Northwest Atlantic Marine Alliance (NAMA) a forum on “Catch
Shares and Community Safeguards” was held at the Portsmouth Public Library on
March 4, 2013. The forum was well
attended, with a mixed audience ranging from UNH students, to local fishermen,
academics and other community representatives.
The “ Who Fishes Matters” tour is an attempt to promote discussion
across New England regarding better policies and protections for the fishing

The “ Catch Share and Community Safeguards” forum opened the
discussion surrounding the proposed
18 to the groundfish management plan by the New England Fisheries Management
Council (NEFMC) which will be up for consideration on Wednesday, March 6. Amendment 18 would consider establishing
accumulation caps and other issues associated with fleet diversity. Accumulation caps would potentially provide
protection to the smaller boat fleet diversity as well as limit any one entity
from having disproportionate control of the total allowable catch. The establishment of these safeguards and
provisions in Amendment 18 are necessary since the implementation of the sector
management and catch share system in New England in 2010. In the two years since the sector management
system was put in place, local fishermen have noted an increase in fleet
consolidation has taken place. Fleet
consolidation means fewer and fewer smaller boats can keep fishing. As of 2012 there has been approximately a 63%
decrease in the New England groundfish fleet.

Catch share systems that have been implemented without any
safeguards in other areas of the world have led to the collapse of the small
boat fleets. Ellen Goethel, the wife of
local fisherman and NEFMC member, David Goethel, explained that because quota
can be bought or leased within the catch share system, those with access to
high amounts of capital- namely the larger boats - can quickly buy up all the
quota, forcing others to have to lease to fish, which in many cases is
unsustainable for smaller boats.
Interestingly, some of the safeguards that are currently being proposed
as part of Amendment 18 such as 20% accumulation cap, had already been written
into the catch share system in New England, but the NEFMC removed that
Much of the discussion at Monday night’s forum centered
around the 5 provisions being considered in Amendment 18 including:
1) Quota Caps
2) maintaining inshore and offshore fleets
3) quota set-asides
4) transparent leasing provisions
5) owner-operator provisions
Regarding the inshore-offshore fleets, some participants
suggested that the only equitable way of dealing with larger boats fishing
inshore would be to implement a system where boats would have to sign in to
either fishing offshore or fishing inshore but that once declared, that boat
could only fish in the declared area. This would
hopefully limit the large boats from fishing inshore and allow the less
sea-worthy inshore fleet more access.
Most people agreed that pursuing Amendment 18 was worthwhile although
some felt that in the end it might be a ‘too little, too late” situation, but
that safeguards for protecting the smaller boats, the diversity of the fleet
and the ability for the next generation to enter into fishing was essential.
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