2011 Shrimp CSF Begins!
The Yankee Fishermen’s Cooperative started their 2011 shrimp community supported fishery (CSF) this weekend (January 8th – 9th). Their first pick-up was during the Winter Farmer’s Market held at the Exeter High School. More than 1000 people visited the market and benefited from the farm fresh produce, meats and seafood on display. The Fishermen’s Cooperative is still allowing seafood enthusiasts to become shareholders in this seasons CSF. Those interested have their choice of 5 or 10lbs of fresh off the boat native shrimp over the next eight weeks. To join the CSF or for more information visit www.yankeefish.com. Eastman’s Local Catch was also at the market. In addition to shrimp, Eastman’s offered high quality fresh fish fillets including cod, haddock, pollock and cusk. Eastman’s also offers CSFs with many local delivery locations. To learn more about Eastman’s Local Catch visit www.eastmansfish.com.